Froch vs. Magee: Maloney Returns Fire

22.05.06 – By Frank Maloney: I’m glad that British and Commonwealth Super Middleweight Champion Carl Froch has finally resurfaced and woken up to the fact that he is defending his titles this Friday against Brian Magee. Reading the latest press release from the Froch camp, it seems very clear that the words attributed to Carl are more like those his promoter’s press officer rather than those of the fighter..

Even though it is never to late for press, it does show the inexperience of Carl’s promoter Hennessy Sports; putting out their release at a time when the media was heavily focused on Amir Khan and WBO Featherweight Champion Scott Harrison’s well documented personal problems.

I was quite amazed to see that their press release contained the comment, supposedly from Carl, that I have spoken a lot of rubbish about this fight between Froch and Magee. Please, could Mr. Froch quote me on what I’ve said that he considers “rubbish”? I’d love to hear it because what I have done is to try and sell a double title fight without the help of the champion. It makes me wonder if his silence was intentional in order to sabotage the promotion?

I can certainly let Carl know, because of all the press releases that my office has put out for this show, that he will be boxing in front of a nearly full house at York Hall, unlike the nearly empty venue he defended his Commonwealth title in for his last fight.

Just for the record, I actually have no agreement with Brian Magee. What I do have is a promise to Brian that if he is successful in winning this fight, Maloney Promotions and Team Magee will form a partnership and go forward from there. If Carl Froch, who is the favorite in this contest, retains his titles, then all I will have done is to have put on a very good show for the British boxing public and paid Carl his biggest purse to date. But there is no need for Carl thank me for that.

I would like to thank Team Magee, especially Brian’s manager Pat Magee, who has worked very hard helping me promote this show, even though they had to give up home advantage in Belfast.

To quote their press release, Carl, or his mouthpiece, said of me that perhaps I am just about to realize that my knowledge of boxing is about to be exposed. A curious thing to say considering that my knowledge of boxing is well documented and doesn’t need exposing.

I will say directly to Carl that everyone knows you are the favorite to retain the titles. It doesn’t take a genius to work that one out or that all the pressure is on you, champ. Brian Magee isn’t expected to win but boxing turns up some unexpected results.

Both of these fighters know the reality of losing this fight. That’s what makes it interesting and what has helped me sell it, other than the press releases from Team Magee.

There is no concern about Team Magee “bottling it”, to quote the Froch press release once again. I just wonder if the champion would have been so silent if his own promoter, Hennessy Sports, was promoting the fight.

Don’t worry Carl, Pat Magee has done a great job selling you to the British public.

I will say to both the boxers and the public, let battle commence and may the best man win on May 26.

Thanks Carl for helping to sell this fight; you are a true professional.

– Frank Maloney