30.12.06 – By MICHAEL MARLEY, BoxingConfidential.com: So much for Mike Tyson having a Happy New Year. According to wire service reports police in Scottsdale nabbed “Iron Mike” for DUI and possession of cocaine. He was pinched after leaving a nightclub in the wee hours and his shenanigans supposedly included almost ramming into a cop car. Tyson allegedly told the police he is addicted to coke, saying “I use it whenever I can get my hands on it.”
Mike always fared better when he had former driver Isadore Bolton behind the wheel.
Tyson, who had a variety of illegal narcotics on his person and in the vehicle, naturally failed a field sobriety test. He was coming from a booze spot not a library, you dig?
Tyson was booked in Maricopa County Jail and had a bail hearing Friday. Tyson was released without bail and put under supervised release pending a January 16 preliminary hearing.
This might be TMI, boxing fans, but that jail is presided over by tough guy Sheriff Joe Arpajo who, it has been joked, only allows inmates one hot meal a day…a bowl of steam. He is also the John Law who has made inmates wear pink underwear.
Somehow I don’t see Mr. Tyson following that rule. Pinklon Thomas is one thing, pink undies is another.
(On a personal note: Mike, I know you since you were 16. I wrote the first national magazine piece on you (Sport) and I covered your in and out of ring exploits at the NY Post. Despite what people may say, you are a good person who never hurts anyone but yourself. You’re also an intelligent man. Get a hold of those demons, Mike and leave the packed powder alone. You’re way too old for this nonsense, brother. Despite this, I hope you have a great 2007 and I am sure all real fight fans agree.)