Zab Judah returns In April – Does “Super Judah” Have Anything Left To Offer?

25.01.07 – By James Slater: His return to the ring is scheduled to take place this coming April, against an opponent yet to be named. And when Zab “Super Judah” (photo by Tom Casino / Showtime) does step between the ropes again he will be doing so after the longest layoff of his entire career. Due, of course, to his being given a suspension following the all-out craziness that ensued in his last bout, against one “Pretty Boy” Floyd Mayweather, Zab has not boxed for almost a year. The question is, will Judah actually accomplish as much as he himself thinks he will upon his return?

Still only twenty-nine, the flashy and undeniably talented Brooklyn native is certainly no shot fighter. Hell, he was more than holding his own against Mayweather – boxing’s number one pound-4-pound (on most lists, anyway) – before the ring intrusion that temporarily halted matters. And Zab is talking rematch, at least he was the last time he was on T.V.. He also thinks he is still one of the best, if not the best, fighters out there. Is he though? There are definitely a number of attractive options for Zab to take once he gets rid of his ring-rust. And though a return with Mayweather looks very unlikely to happen, a return with another top class boxer just might materialise. Junior Witter is the reigning WBC light-welterweight champion – and guess who the only man to have ever beaten him is? Yes, it’s Zab. A rematch could well be on the cards then – if a number of obstacles can be overcome.

Firstly, either Zab would have to move back down to 140 or Junior would have to move up to 147. Secondly, either the fight gets scheduled to take place over in the U.K, or a U.S network suddenly decides it might like to buy a Junior Witter fight. And finally, Zab must want to make the challenge (being as it would be a bout against a man he has already defeated handily there should be no problem there) and Junior must want a chance at revenge against the only man to have beaten him as a pro. This is just one possible route back to the top that Judah has the possibility of taking.

Another one would involve a weight move in a different direction – upwards. A third and final meeting with Cory Spinks would no doubt appeal to both men. A rubber match at light-middleweight would prove who is the best and also give Zab another chance at reigning once more. The first two fights were relatively fan-friendly and providing he gets the momentum going once he returns to the ring a decider would probably sell pretty well. Of course, Spinks has to get past Rodney Jones on the 3rd of February first – another possible stumbling block towards Judah-Spinks III.

All this is merely speculation though. We have yet to see how much Zab has left first of all. But should he get a few wins under his belt – and most importantly look good and exciting while doing so- then the attention will more than likely focus once again on the super fast southpaw. How far up the ladder of his sport he can climb in the coming months and whether or not he can get back to the very top remains to be seen. But what can’t be denied is the fact that he will have more than a few possible options available to him in which to try and do so. I have more than an inkling that by the end of 2007 the fans will be saying “Welcome back” to this “Super” fighter.