The Top Five Most Under-Rated Current Boxers: Mayweather, Taylor, Klitschko, Diaz and Witter

floyd mayweather jr.15.09.07 – By Onur Tezucar:
1.) Floyd Mayweather Jr. – Lets faced it, he’s the pound for pound king of this era. Let’s also assume he has achieved all his accolades performance enhanced-free. (This may be a stretch these days) In an era where artificially assisted left hooks run rampant. Ladies and Gentleman we may have an all-time great.

Hate all you want but his hand has been raised 38 times straight. Though I’m not a huge fan of his force feed trash talking build-ups and petty bickering family members. His over emphasis on boxing defense or under emphasis on killer instinct. He has beaten every significant boxer in a multitude of weight classes since 1996.

With the likes of, Genaro and Carlos Hernandez, Diego Corrales, Jose Luis Castillo, Jesus Chavez, Jab Judah, Carlos Baldomir and Oscar De La Hoya all under his belt, Mayweather has never lost in 11 years! After he dismantles Hatton, which is a stylistic nightmare for the “Hitman”. He unfortunately has to be considered one of the greatest of all-time. So, sorry Bert, but it may be time for some fresh blood to your tales from the crypt, all-time list.

2.) Jermain Taylor – The first thing that pops into my head when I hear the name Jermain Taylor sadly is the Roy Jones dud single, “Ya’ll Must of Forgot!” With Defeats of Cory Spinks, Kassim Ouma, Raul Marquez, William Joppy, Benard Hopkins (twice) and a draw against Winky Wright this 29-year old has quite a resume. Yet, after all those notable wins his line against predominantly unproven Kelly Pavlik on September 29, is a pick’em by Vegas odds makers. Yes he looked unorthodox and unpolished against Spinks and Ouma his most recent fights. Sure he may have regressed a bit defensively since the Hopkins fights. But these names are not tomato cans. He has been getting killed in boxing circles as a guy whose best days are over at 29.

Pavlik is a guy who’s resume consists of beating a drained Edison Miranda and an over the hill Bronco McKart. Now I’m not a huge Miranda guy but I have enough of a sample size of Edison Miranda to know he was not right that night. Just watch the tapes of Miranda versus Arthur Abraham and Allan Green. The one thing along with horrible defensive that remained consistent was his propensity not to fatigue. For some reason by the third round of the Pavlik fight Miranda was jello. At this point I think you know where I’m going this one. As pick’ em’s go, Taylor may be as solid a pick as it can get on September, 29.

3.) Wladimir Klitschko – Theres two Wladimer Klitschko’s to talk about here. One is Pre-Lamon Brewster and the second is post Brewster. Pre Brewster is a boxer with no chin, heart or stamina. After losing to middle tier talent from the likes of Ross Purrity, Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster, Klitschko was left for dead. Not getting up after being knocked down by Corrie Sanders and Lamon Brewster. Seemingly, losing all desire, interest and confidence to achieve. An over-rated Olympic Gold medal winning physical freak. Now enter Manny Steward and what do you get?

All the physical gifts Klitschko had prior, but with a sprinkle of heart and a dash of defense. I’m not sure exactly how much Steward factors, however when he got up after the second Sam Peter knock down, I know something special had materialized. Steward, if nothing else put Wladimir on the sofa, horizontally and played Psychologist. Including Peter, since then, he’s 5-0 with 4 KO’s. Let me ask the readers a question. Who are you taking? Present day Wladimir Klitschko or Lennox Lewis. If you have to think about it, he’s under- rated.

4.) Juan Diaz – All the “Baby Bull” does is come forward take punches, throw punches and win. Unless you follow boxing you have never heard of this guy. Needing that notable name to bolster his name to the public, in Freitas, he finally got it. His victory against Acelito Freitas, cemented him as a serious boxer to watch. With his get hit to hit style and endless 24 year-old stamina. Diaz has the potential to become a mainstream presence. What Diaz now needs is a dancing partner. Someone unlike Freitas who will get up off the stool and push Diaz to the limit. If he can find that we might be in for a Barrera vs. Morales type rivalry. I don’t think however, anybody else named Diaz is that guy.

5.) Junior Witter – Though nobody would listen, Witter wouldn’t shut up. For the last seven years Junior Witter was talking smack to just about anybody who would listen. Junior I think they may start listening. With His latest performance against a formidable Vivian Harris being shockingly both entertaining and dominating, Witter may just catch the eyes and ears of more then just the public. He may have just inked himself a major title fight. After losing to Jab Judah in 2000, Witter fell into the most dreaded category of them all.

“Too much risk not enough reward” Though he was piling on the wins since 2000, none of which caught the eye of the public. His slick, defensive, feather- fisted style didn’t provide the draws from his end needed to complete a major title fight. So want did he do, keep on winning, 21 to be exact. Though much of his win streak was against weak competition, Harris was not one of them. Look for Witter to make some noise in the States in the near future

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