by James Slater: The month of September 2007 might go down as one of recent boxing history’s most annoyingly unreliable months. We all know about the five fights that have been postponed in the last four weeks, and we are all annoyed about it. The latest addition to the list of scrapped or delayed fights though, in Oleg Maskaev-Sam Peter, seems to have angered the most. And if we fans are fuming, think how poor Samuel Peter must feel.!
“The Nigerian Nightmare” has had a nightmare of a year in ’07. His twelve months may have started on a good enough note, with his fine twelve round points win over James Toney back in January arguably being the power puncher’s career best performance. Since then, however, he has been in enforced idleness. Think how mad and desperate to fight he must be! It sure doesn’t bode well for whoever it is that steps into a ring with him next time out.
And while we’re on the subject of Peter’s next fight, who should be drafted in to replace the injured (or not, depending on how cynical you are) WBC champ, Maskaev? This is to assume that Dino Duva gets his way, and the October 6th show is saved by way of an ‘interim title bout.’ Let’s hope that this is indeed the case – we’ve had enough letdowns already this month and we want some actual action instead of yet another no-show. So, who are the best candidates to box Peter for the interim WBC belt?
Here, in no particular order, are five guys that I think would be excellent replacement heavyweights.
Oliver McCall. A fairly obvious choice. McCall has been keeping very active over recent months and in his last fight he scored a very decent win over the tough Sinan Samil Sam in Turkey. As the winner of that fight – according to WBC boss Jose Suliaman beforehand – would earn himself a shot at the title anyway, then why not let Oliver step in for Maskaev now? He may be forty-two but “The Atomic Bull” is as tough and game as ever. As such, he’d be an ideal replacement for Maskaev.
There’s only one snag. McCall is scheduled to face Juan Carlos Gomez on October 19th in a rematch. If something could be arranged, however, Oliver would be a great opponent for Peter. One thing’s for sure, “The Atomic Bull” would come to fight!
David Tua. Why not? Sure, Tua fought only recently, but his win over Cerrone Fox was so easy and quick it wouldn’t be too much to ask him to box again on October 6th. In fact, as things stand “The Tuaman” is scheduled to fight again – against an opponent TBA – on October 18th. Why not let David, who says he wants to fight for the world title once more before he retires, get in there with Peter? The fight could be a classic! If Tua wants it, I think he should get it. The question is though, does Tua want it?
Travis Walker. Not a huge name, Walker gets consideration here simply because he has actually thrown his name into the equation and asked for the opportunity to be the replacement guy. Currently unbeaten at 25-0-1(19) “Freight Train” is both young (twenty-eight) and ambitious. A title fight right now – before having faced anybody that could be considered as world
class – may be too early, but Walker could be given consideration at least.
Hasim Rahman. “The Rock” doesn’t have a contest scheduled right now, so how about letting the former champ get another shot? Hasim last fought on the seventh of this month, like Tua winning easily. Always dangerous, Rahman could possibly give Peter a tough night. Remember, aside from his loss to Maskaev, Rahman has not lost in his last ten outings. Could he perhaps get the unexpected crack at the title on October 6th? Maybe.
Tony Thompson. “The Tiger” is scheduled to meet Mike Tyson look-a-like, Cliff Couser on the 27th of this month. But if that fight could somehow be abandoned the unbeaten thirty-five year old would no doubt jump at the chance to fight for the title. Tony has been itching for his big chance for some time now. The talented southpaw could well give Peter a very hard fight should he get the chance.
There may be other, more attractive, candidates according to some readers of this site. But I think we’re all agreed that a Peter fight Vs. anybody would be much better than no fight at all. In the final analysis, Samuel has earned his right to fight!