21.09.07 – by James Slater: Today, in Manchester, England, as all those who were either there or were tuned in to Sky T.V will know, Ricky Hatton finally let out some of the anger that had no doubt been building up all week. The result of having to listen to the constant and irritating taunts of pound-for-pound king and future opponent, Floyd Mayweather Jnr, Ricky let loose with a torrent of foul language this morning as he spoke at the podium in his home city’s town hall.
And although some of what “The Hitman” was saying was admittedly funny – the “If Floyd dances like that on ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ (said after Floyd had boogied on stage to ‘There’s only one Ricky Hatton) I think you’ll all agree, he’s no f*****g chance!” was particularly amusing – he probably went too far.
Also, somewhat ironically considering all the garbage he’s been forced to listen to over the last few days, Ricky used language that was far worse than anything his tormentor came out with during the press tour.
Mayweather sure said some nasty and insulting things, but he never went as far as using the F-word. That Ricky did on more than one occasion today proves how the anger must have been boiling inside him. That he did so also led to the live television broadcast of the conference to be cut short. Let’s face it though, no-one could really blame Hatton. The way “Pretty Boy” constantly attacks his future opposition with insult after insult in an incessant avalanche is enough to get on anybody’s nerves. Floyd simply never quits – enough is never enough. Ricky smiled and laughed it off at first, but today, after listening to bad mouthing for the past four days, the light-welterweight king let off some steam.
Hatton did it, as I’ve said, in a way that was at times comical, but I think it’s clear that Mayweather has succeeded in what he set out to do – namely get Ricky angry and crawl under his skin. Ricky himself will probably deny it, as will his loyal fans, but Floyd just might have gained himself a slight edge with his heckling and intimidation tactics. For though he was smiling as he fired back at the man who’d been taking cheap shots at him for days, Ricky also looked genuinely angry. As any pro will tell you, if you carry that anger into the ring with you there is a good chance you could lose your cool and forget your game-plan. Ricky would, without a shred of doubt, absolutely love to rip Floyd’s head from his shoulders. Could this anger get the better of him come December 8th?
Of course, some fighters – the great Joe Frazier, in his final fight with Muhammad Ali, for example – are able to carefully nurture hate and anger and use it to their advantage when they step in the ring with the man who has inspired such emotions. It may be that in getting under Hatton’s skin (or at least appearing to) Floyd has unintentionally made the fight harder for himself. Much in the way his last opponent – Oscar De La Hoya – admitted the taunts he was subject from Floyd made him train that much harder, maybe Ricky too will be even more fired up both before and after he climbs through the ropes at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Mayweather just might have pushed Hatton too far.
No-one can know for sure, but today’s events may prove to have been a major factor in December the 8th’s outcome. What appears certain is the fact that Floyd Mayweather has once again incensed one of his rivals and his fans. Who this anger benefits, however, we will have to wait and see!