30.09.07 – By Craig Mastendri: Kelly Pavlik took the Middleweight boxing Championship via TKO victory in the seventh round in valiant fashion. The replay shots of the KO sequence, showing the slow motion rippling effect, that contorted across Taylors cheeks sparked terminating intention.
A straight right Taylor didn’t see, delivered a “Whoa Effect”, that Pavlik has spoken about in his power. A picture perfect view of a knockout shot! As Taylor’s head swiveled back to center, his eyes did a semi conscious re-take. Taylor tried to react but, but the ability to defend was already a done deal. Kelly, earned, signed, sealed, and delivered the result.
The fact that the judges actually had Taylor ahead by three points on two cards, and four on another was absurd! The contest was competitive, close, and won the hard way, the old school way, the “I’m gonna fight until it’s over way!” Pavlik showed every skill a champion should have, elite type power, pressure, defense, and a marvelously under rated but ultra effective jab!!! He forced Taylor to have to worry about his jab. When a guy gets concerned with it? Is forced to pay attention it? It creates opportunities to land the unseen shots and good things can happen. “Big power, killer instinct, “Championship Heart and Will”, tenacity, dedication, and A New World Champion,” go a long way in describing, the enjoyable action, and respect earned.
Seeing Pavlik, get off the canvas after being hurt badly with a right hand shot to the left side of his head, as he waived for Taylor “Bring It On,” was a scary scene! His nose was broken, his equilibrium was sent for a ride around amusement park, and abruptly landed on “Queer Street.” Hearing the nasal sounds and witnessing his post fight interview with Larry Merchant, sounded something “Reminiscent” to “Bert and Ernie” audio from Sesame Street! Clearly, the brink of disaster was seen, and the path of real adversity was walked, It doesn’t get any more old school than that!
There is no room for shame, in Jermain Taylor’s game either. Many critics got their “Wish Come True”. with this knock out loss! .Those, “Critics” can no longer reasonably question Taylor’s heart, willingness to fight the best, and give his best. He came damn close to producing a second round TKO this evening. He didn’t run, fought hard, but wasn’t the better man tonight. The amateurs are over! This is the Pro’s now!!!! Pavlik won when it counted most!
Youngstown, Ohio, has its second real and legitimate World Champion, and budding star. He is now the man, there’s a rematch clause, and both fighters indicated they want it to happen. 168lbs is the stipulated weight of the agreement, if Taylor wants it. Pavlik’s response, “That’s good for me, I’ll get to eat a little bit, eat some pasta.” His body could respond favorably to the weight increase, and if he executes twice? Makes a Champion to reckon with. The winner of Calzaghe vs Kessler or Bernard Hopkins, will be excellent possibilities. Many new fans, who didn’t like Taylor, will support or convert! Passion, pride and survivorship are represented, for a “City and Region” that survived the collapse of the steel industry and “Reagan-Nomics.”. Ray “Boom Boom Mancini” carried their hearts and minds giving everything in those days. Kelly Pavlik, is now a legitimate “Professional Sports Franchise.”
Credit should go out to referee Steve Smoger! He did an excellent job of allowing the event play itself out in a very professional, effective, fair manner. His ability to control the action, without unnecessarily affecting the action, made a great fight. Referees can and have unjustly ruined fights with quick stoppages When, what comes around goes around, happens? It’s only fair they be praised in return.
No matter what side you ride on, these two fought like champions giving great effort and excitement. This was supposed to be the kick off streak of major fights in the fourth quarter match ups. It did not disappoint! Fans will and should tune in for the rematch! It would continue to shape the stage and fueling the next event’s, either now or early next year. This fight is a win-win for “Boxing” and its fans, dangerously close, action packed, and definitely worth seeing.