04.10.07 – We have been trying to take the high road, however after reading the ridiculous comments by Dino Duva, silence can no longer be considered a virtue. It is time to look at the facts and end his pattern of deception and sheer nonsense.
What is the Status of Maskaev’s Injury?
ANSWER: He had multiple herniated discs and a bulging disk, which were discovered thru an MRI. We received the results late on a Thursday night and I called Don King first thing Friday morning. It was only after the MRI did we know the extent of the injury, although for a few weeks prior to that he felt a strain. It was only after roadwork on Thursday that he severely injured his back and we promptly made arrangements for the MRI to be taken immediately..
Oleg’s response to treatment has been excellent and we are very confident that within the next 4-5 weeks he will be able to resume a full training schedule.
What does the Maskaev camp think about the WBC appointing Samuel Peter the interim champion?
ANSWER: The WBC’s behavior has been disgraceful, shameful, and consistently unconscionable.
Maskaev, in his entire heavyweight career has never suffered any injury that caused him to withdraw from a fight and necessitated a bout to be rescheduled. This was the first and only time, and we requested a 90-120 day postponement. How many heavyweight champions have been injured in training where a fight had to be rescheduled? Many! How many times has the WBC appointed an interim champion? Never! When Vitali Klitschko injured himself in training for the Hasim Rahman fight for the third time, causing 3 consecutive postponements of their fight, the WBC order the #1 contender, Hasim Rahman to fight the #2 contender, Monte Barret, and only after Rahman defeated Barret did he become the interim champion. When Vitali Klitschko injured himself for the 4th consecutive time, and he announced his retirement, only then was Rahman declared the Champion. In Peter’s case, the interim championship was given to him, he didn’t have to fight for it. Then to compound the travesty, instead of Peter being required to fight the highest available contender (for example: Oliver McCall, Vladimir Virches, Calvin Brock, etc.) they have allowed him to fight Jamal McCline who wasn’t even rated in the top 40; essentially giving him the opportunity by jumping over at least 40 fighters rated above him. In addition, for a boxer to fight for an interim or the real heavyweight championship, he must face a boxer ranked in the top 12. (It doesn’t say the highest available contender controlled by Don King)
Duva claims that we have never given the results of Maskaev’s medical record?
ANSWER: This is another case of pure B.S. and if B.S. was poetry, Dino’s last name would be Shakespeare. We sent the medical record of Maskaev to both the New York State Athletic Commission and to the WBC.
Duva claims that Peter is the victim and that it is Maskaev’s fault that it’s taken so long to get the fight.
Answer: This is another example of the big lie, and if you tell it often enough, gullible people start to believe it. Here are the facts. The WBC was caught with conflicting positions. When Klitschko retired, they promised him if he returned to the ring, he would have the 1st opportunity to fight whomever was the champion. The WBC pronounced Samuel Peter, after he defeated James Toney, the mandatory challenger. The WBC Board of Governors voted by an overwhelming majority to sanction Maskaev v.Vitali Klitschko. The WBC never released the results of the vote, they actually hid the fact that a vote was taken. Instead the WBC didn’t take any responsibility nor did they make a decision. In February ’07 an informal meeting was set up and all parties were present; Dennis Rappaport, Fred Kesch, Don King, Dino Duva, Ivalo Goetzev, Shelly Finkel, Jose Sulaiman and other representatives of the WBC, as well as numerous attorneys. Nothing was being accomplished and it became clear that it was an exercise in futility. Shelly Finkel made an overly generous offer to Peter, more money for him to step aside. He would have received more money than he would by have received by fighting Maskaev directly, as well as a guarantee to fight the winner of Maskaev-Vitali Klitschko. The Peter camp, for many weeks following the meeting was making more and more unreasonable demands. They wanted more money and they wanted the step aside fee, which is usually paid after the fight takes place, to be paid to them up front. Then they had the audacity to ask for a million dollar letter of credit in case Lennox Lewis decides to come back and fight to fight the winner of Maskaev-Vitali Klitschko. They could have asked for a guarantee that we wouldn’t fight Joe Louis. It took so much time negotiating all the unreasonable demands, that the site deal was lost and the TV commitments were lost, etc. and finally in early April Vitali Klitschko got so disgusted, he withdrew. The whole situation could have been avoided, however the WBC did nothing. Maskaev had 1 year to fight his mandatory, which wasn’t due until August ’07. All the WBC had to do was approve an optional defense by Maskaev.
Since the Maskaev-Peter camps could not come to an agreement, a purse offer was set for May 7th in Mexico City. I knew that the WBC rules require that the fight take place within 90 days of the purse offer. Dino Duva was the highest bidder and was required, within 10 days, to deposit 10% of his winning bid with the WBC, approximately $320,000.00. the WBC confirmed via e-mail with our attorney that he complied. Approximately 33 days later we were notified that Duva’s bid was terminated. Duva’s check bounced and contrary to the WBC rules the fight was awarded to King who owned 50% of Duva Boxing. How was Duva punished? He wasn’t, rather he was rewarded, because of his partner King, and got the fight for $100,000.00 less, and to make matters even worse the fight was postponed and did not take place within the specified 90 days. The WBC gave them almost 5 months. It should be abundantly clear who was at fault. We didn’t write a $320,000 rubber check, we didn’t cause delay after delay. Yes, we do have a boxer who is injured and needs a short postponement. There are many other facts that we will present at a later date.
Duva has said that we lost our court fight.
ANSWER: Once again untrue! The case has not even begun its litigation. There was merely a decision as to the appropriate jurisdiction of the case.