10.11.07 – By Matthew Hurley: Round One. Cruz catches Casamayor with a left hand to the left elbow when Casamayor comes in slightly off balance knocking him down. Smoger calls it a knockdown. Santa Cruz is aggressive while Casamayor looks rusty.
Cruz 10-8
Round Two. Casamayor is holding a lot. Cruz continues to come forward. The bout is slowing down because of Casamayor’s holding.
Cruz 10-9
Round Three. Casamayor continues to circle and back away, flicking out a right jab and then hold Cruz whenever the taller, rangier fighter gets in close. Cruz continues to be the aggressor but no significant punches are landed.
Cruz 10-9
Round Four. Casamayor lands a slapping right hand and then holds. Cruz bullies him into the ropes and Casamayor holds again. Cruz continues to come forward. Casamayor lands a low blow and gets a warning from Steve Smoger. Cruz connects with a left hand. He is winning the round through sheer aggression but the bout has completely degenerated into a dull match.
Cruz 10-9
Round Five. Cruz continues to come forward, shooting straight right hands but Casamayor continues to hold. Blood begins to flow from the side of Casamayor’s left eye. Cruz’s forward aggression again wins him the round.
Cruz 10-9
Round Six. Casamayor lands a good left hand, backs up and lands a good right and then holds. Cruz continues to walk him down. Casamayor’s lands a good left hook but his holding should warrant a warning from the referee.
Casamayor 10-9
Round Seven. Casamayor lands a good combination but backs off. Cruz backs him into the ropes and Casamayor holds. Cruz lands a good left. Casamayor counters with a right but Cruz backs him off with another good left hand. Cruz begins to switch stances between orthodox and southpaw. Cruz lands a long left against a retreating Casamayor.
Even Round
Round Eight. Cruz lands a good overhand left. Casamayor lands a good quick right jab and backs off. Cruz is now walking him down. Cruz lands a good combination. Casamayor appears to be bleeding from the mouth. Cruz shoots a right uppercut that misses but connects with a straight left. Cruz lands another good left and Casamayor ties him up again.
Cruz 10-9
Round Nine. Before the round trainer Joe Goossen tells Casamayor that he needs the final four rounds to win. Casamayor continues to back away. Cruz lands a good left hand. Cruz continues to fire but looks frustrated by Casamayor’s tactics. Casamayor continues to hold whenever Cruz comes in. Cruz lands another straight left before the bell.
Cruz 10-9
Round Ten. Cruz lands a slapping right hand. The crowd, which is beginning to fill in at Madison Square Garden, has completely lost interest in the fight. Cruz lands another left and tries to get away from Casamayor’s clutch and grab technique but is wrapped up again. Still no warning from Smoger for excessive holding. Good left hand by Cruz.
Cruz 10-9
Round Eleven. Casamayor lands a few jabs and pushes Cruz into the ropes. Cruz continues to pursue. Cruz lands a few good punches but the crowd is now booing Casamayor’s holding. Cruz backs Casamayor into the ropes and momentarily pushes his upper body through the top strands. No significant blows are landed. Cruz lands a slapping right against the face of a retreating Casamayor at the bell.
Cruz 10-9
Round Twelve. The two fighters touch gloves. Cruz switches to orthodox on the inside, lands a jab and then switches back on the outside. Casamayor holds. Casamayor hold again and won’t let Cruz go. Cruz seems content to wait out the round as he starts to back off, throwing left jabs off his back foot. The crowd gives a mock cheer at the ten second mark. There are some chants of “Diaz, Diaz”.
Cruz 10-9
My scorecard: 119-109 Cruz.
Official Scores: 114-113 Casamayor, 114-113 Cruz, 114-113 Casamayor.