Interview by Rob Tierney: Two undefeated Heavyweights are in the spotlight this Saturday Night and to the surprise of many, neither one of them are from the former Soviet Union. Two American contenders, Chazz “The Gentleman” Witherspoon and Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola, are pure bred American muscle. In Memphis this weekend against one another, they each look to claim their stake as the next great American contender in a division dominated by colossal Russian giants..
There is plenty of interest surrounding the fighters heading into this weekend’s fight. Both men are undefeated and virtually untested in 23 fights. Furthermore, both Witherspoon and Arreola have a chance to stand atop an upcoming group of American contenders that includes Tye Fields, Kevin Johnson and David Rodriguez amongst many others. I had a chance to catch up with Chazz Witherspoon at Larry Holmes’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony two weeks ago before interviewing him this past Sunday, June 15th late Father’s Day afternoon. Here is what he had to say:
RT: Good afternoon Chazz, I hope all is well. Everyone seems to be looking forward to next Saturday Night. How does it feel to be fighting on HBO for the first time?
CW: It feels good. It’s international exposure. However, I’m not really thinking about that. I’m just thinking about sticking to my game plan and coming up with a win.
RT: Speaking of game plans…….obviously I wouldn’t ask you to reveal any pre-fight strategies, but in general, what do you think you need to do to defeat Chris Arreola?
CW: I need to be busy! I’ll look at what he’s giving me and make adjustments as I go. When I see what he’s giving me, I’ll talk to the corner and tell them what I’m seeing. They’ll tell me what they’re seeing and we’ll make adjustments as we go.
RT: Chazz, you’ve defeated some tough opponents throughout your rise in the division. Some of the more notable names would be Kendrick Releford, Talmadge Griffis and Michael Alexander to name just a few. However, would you say that Chris Arreola will be your toughest opponent to date?
CW: Definitely so! He’s really aggressive and strong willed. He’s definitely going to be my toughest opponent to date. But I’m up for the challenge.
RT: What would a win over Arreola mean for your career?
CW: It would skyrocket my career into the upper echelon of the Heavyweight Division. It would also put a face to my name and legitimize my record to anyone who questions it. It’s definitely a big fight for both of us.
RT: True! You have to admit that a lot of people are going to watch this fight and view the winner as the next great American contender in the Heavyweight division. With a win over Arreola, do you think you would position yourself as the next great American contender?
CW: I do think that the winner of this fight is going to be looked at as the next great American contender. It’s definitely a step in the right direction. However, I plan on taking calculated steps. I’m still learning.
RT: Speaking of calculated steps…’re probably going to tell me that you’re taking it one fight at a time, but have you thought about any opponents should you emerge successfully on Saturday Night?
CW: No! I’m not looking past him, nor have I even begun to look past him. I’ve got to be on my A-Game to beat Chris Arreola, so I’m not looking past him at all.
RT: Since I was considerably impressed by your sparring at the International Boxing Hall of Fame last weekend, I have to believe that you’re bringing your A-Game just as you said. You look like you’re in good working condition. How was your training camp for this fight?
CW: Actually, it was my first true training camp. It was the first time I ever had paid sparring. It was really a good camp. There were no injuries. Everything feels good heading into Saturday Night.
RT: Well Chazz, I’m happy to hear that and I look forward to watching you fight next weekend. I also want to wish you and your father Eric a Happy Father’s Day and the best of luck next weekend.
CW: Thank You! You do the same.
Chazz’s bout with Chris Arreola can be seen live on HBO this Saturday Night. The fight is a warm up to Andre Berto’s long awaited battle with Miguel Rodriguez for Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s now vacated Welterweight Title. Coverage begins at 10:00 PM ET.
FedExForum Memphis, TN
146 lbs. 145 lbs.
220 lbs. 239 lbs.