Miranda-Pavlik II – Could It Happen At Super-Middleweight?

21.06.08 – by James Slater: Edison “Pantera” Miranda is convinced he only lost to Kelly Pavlik because he was left weight drained after struggling to make 160 pounds. And Miranda, who tonight is in action with Arthur Abraham, of course, wants to get himself a rematch with the only other fighter to have beaten him. He’s got to get past Abraham first, which is no way anything like a sure thing, but the big-punching Colombian sees nothing wrong in making plans for the future..

The question is, would a Pavlik-Miranda rematch sell? If Miranda were to beat Abraham tonight, and if he won in spectacular fashion in particular, the fans just might demand a return match with the reigning middleweight king. But at what weight would such a fight take place? Miranda, as is well known, will never make middleweight again. Only after a brutally intense training camp did “Pantera” manage to make the catch-weight of 166 pounds for tonight’s fight – Miranda can go no lower. So a return with “The “Ghost” would not be a contest for Pavlik’s middleweight crown. A return could happen at a catch-weight, however.

Both Miranda (tonight) and Pavlik (in his second fight with Jermain Taylor) have show they are interested in catch-weight bouts, therefore there is no reason why they could not do so again with regards to facing one another. Let’s face it, Pavlik-Miranda I was a fine fight – one that would be more than complemented with a sequel. And if Miranda beats Abraham tonight he would become one of the more logical opponents for Pavlik. Formidable, exciting and with the revenge angle on his side to promote such a bout, Miranda facing Pavlik for a second time would very possibly be a hit.

Also, Miranda and his fans do feel he has a genuine excuse for why he lost by stoppage in the middleweight slugfest last May. After almost “killing himself” to make 160, Miranda was nowhere near at his full strength. Would the Colombian have a better chance of winning in a rematch that took place at 166 to 168 pounds? This question alone would more than likely sell a few tickets should the two crowd pleasers meet again.

Jumping the gun this article may be – again, Miranda has to beat Abraham tonight first – but I feel “Pantera” deserves another chance at Pavlik. After all, and without being disrespectful to the Mexican slugger, such a fight would sure get more fan approval than a Pavlik-Marco Antonio Rubio fight!