Arthur Abraham Walks The Walk And TKO’s Edison Miranda

miranda abrahamBy Wray Edwards, Photos © Wray Edwards/ESB ringside. After all the trash talk and pawing the dust, Edison Miranda was unable to back it up. Last night at the Seminole Warriors Hard Rock Live in Miami, Florida, Arthur Abraham short circuited Edison’s plans to electrify the crowd. The first three rounds were typical Miranda-Abraham with Edison on the offensive and Abraham doing the Winky Wright peek-a-boo with an occasional counter flurry.

Arthur spent some time in the corners, but seemed to be waiting for Edison to punch himself out a bit.

Arthur started getting range with his left near the end of Round Three. He was definitely timing Edison, and just about had it dialed in by the end of three..

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Edison was in Arthur’s face as much as he could muster. Abraham dithered with him for a while.

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Miranda was getting scuffed up a bit so his corner medicated his snoot.

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As Round Four began, Abraham began to really connect with the left.

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Edison began to get a bit careless as he tried to unload on Abraham who unleashed the left above and put Miranda on his rear.

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So he sits there for a few seconds and then gets up to…

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take his eight and get back to it.

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Miranda started to get pretty careless and approached with wide open swings which…

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made him a vulnerable sitting duck for another sweeping Abraham left.

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After another eight count, Edison gamely squares in front of Arthur. So Abraham clocks Miranda with another left and the Ref calls the TKO at 1:13 of Round Four.

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Naturally Arthur is very happy…

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and so is his wife.

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There was a very excited group of fans in Abraham’s camp and one or two of his homies began to taunt Edison’s corner. Not surprising after Miranda’s uppity comments in the weeks leading up to the contest. Well, two or three of Miranda’s guys got hot and made moves at the Abraham campers. Warriors security stepped in and blocked their way.

Randal Bailey was involved and got a scolding from Warriors director of boxing. There was powerful jubilation in the European cluster behind us, and it was obvious they shared in Arthur’s vindication. Abraham left no doubt this time around.

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We were all kept well informed as to what round it was by (from left) Astrid, Liz and Giselle who lifted those heavy round cards clear over their heads and walked around the ring.

The fight of the night was a thrilling slugaround between Mexican Raul Marquez and Giovanni Lorenzo in an IBF eliminator. Film at eleven…in the morning.

One is tempted to question the advisability of Edison continuing in this line of work. Not so Abraham who looks ready for more belt-seeking contests. ESB was again made to feel welcome by Redline Media and the Seminole Warriors Tribe. It was good to see Tom Craig back at the apron to shoot this event. See you at the fights.