King Arthur Courts America with TKO of Miranda

22.06.08 – By Paul Strauss No controversy with Abraham – Miranda II. The King executed his opposition with three big left hand knockdowns, and at 1:13 of the fourth round it was over. During Jim Gray’s post fight interview, the King made a good effort with his English in explaining how much he liked the American people, and wanted to come back here to fight again..

Arthur Abraham Gray asked Miranda what happened, and Miranda said he didn’t know, adding that he had prepared well for the fight and was one-hundred percent. Gray offered his opinion that Abraham had completely dominated the entire fight, and asked Miranda why? Again Miranda had no explanation. One reason might be the judges didn’t see it the way Jim Gray did. They had Miranda ahead on points.

The fight started much the same way as the first one. King Arthur was playing the shell game, and occasionally countering, and firing off a flurry or two. Mean while Miranda was banging away on the King’s guard, and slipping some punches through.

The King was the first to be warned for a low blow, but it wasn’t a damaging punch, and time was not interrupted for recovery. Later, Miranda landed a right upper cut that was low, and caused the referee to call time, and allow the King a little respite. There was one other quick warning by the referee against Miranda for holding and hitting.

The King demonstrated his power first with a damaging right counter, but it was a wildly missed right that ironically set things up. The badly missed right gave Miranda the illusion he was safely out of danger, but he was sadly mistaken. King Arthur’s miss actually allowed him to maneuver in close enough to send a powerful looping left hook to the jaw of the relaxed Miranda. The punch sent him to the canvas and started the beginning of the end.

Once the King had Miranda hurt, he wasn’t about to issue a pardon. He pressed forward and scored two more knockdowns, both with looping left hooks that Miranda appeared not to see, as both punches landed solidly on the button.

What’s in the cards for the King? Maybe Pavlik? An undefeated Giovanni Lorenzo, who fought Raul Marquez on the under-card, had plans to maybe get a shot at King Arthur. However, those plans were derailed when the tough veteran took all the youngster had to offer, and then turned up the pressure. Starting in the fourth or fifth round, Marquez started getting to Lorenzo a bit. Lorenzo wasn’t just going to let the old warrior win easily though. He landed punishing counters, especially with the right hand, but he also lost a point because of a head butt.

When the championship rounds rolled around, Lorenzo’s corner was telling him he was losing the fight, and needed a knock out to win. But, in the final round, Marquez definitely appeared to want it more. He had blood streaming from three cuts, along with scrapes and bruises, but he kept pressing the fight, and deservedly got the decision. The 37 yr old is now looking for a shot at one of the belts.

Getting back to the King and the Ghost, it is interesting to contemplate. Pavlik would undoubtedly be the big favorite, but the King has power, and has already proved his toughness.
His defense isn’t pretty, but it is effective. Pavlik would have a tough time penetrating it, but everyone knows he throws punches in bunches, and from all angles. The King’s shield can’t cover every vulnerable area. On the other hand, the Ghost really isn’t that elusive. He does get tagged quite often, and the King’s power might prove to be enough to bring him an upset win.

Wouldn’t that bring on the grosse feier (big celebration) in Deutschland? King Arthur continues his well deserved reign.