22.06.08 – by James Slater: Two young and undefeated heavyweights clashed last night in Memphis, with Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola taking on “Gentleman” Chazz Witherspoon. With much at stake for both fighters the pair of heavyweights raised the level of their game – the 27-year-old Arreola especially. It showed, as “The Nightmare” threw and connected with a huge number of powerful shots on the one year younger Witherspoon.
The end came via a somewhat controversial route, as Witherspoon was DQ’d as his corner people came into the ring to help him back to his stool after a knockdown. Arreola decked Witherspoon midway through the 3rd round and upon getting up Chazz was under monstrous fire. Going down for the second time just as the bell rang, the 26-year-old’s team piled into the ring to help him back to his corner. Confusion reigned until referee Randy Phillips, after a confab had taken place with the Tennessee Boxing Commision, ruled the fight as a DQ win for Arreola. The official time was 3 minutes of round number three.
Now having won a very meaningful battle, and on HBO at that, Chris Arreola is looking to the future. Before last night’s fight it had been mentioned that David Tua would meet the winner. Indeed, Arreola mentioned “The Tuaman” when being interviewed post-fight. This would be one interesting showdown. Arreola, now 24-0(21) is hungry, powerful and naturally aggressive minded. Tua, though now in his mid-thirties, is also powerful and a natural fighter. How hungry Tua remains is another question. But if he wins his next fight – against an as yet TBA in Ukraine in July – there is no reason why Tua-Arreola should not happen later this year.
Even more questions would be asked of Arreola should he get in there with Tua, such as what is his chin like? For the moment, however, “The Nightmare” is looking like the best solution to the current drought being suffered by American heavyweights when it comes to winning world titles. Until anyone is capable of proving otherwise, Chris Arreola stands alone as the best, the most exciting and the hardest punching young U.S heavyweight out there.
On his current form, who would bet against Chris winning at least a version of the title? If he gets past the still dangerous Tua, it is unlikely there will be many people who would.
For the record, Witherspoon’s promoter, Lou DiBella is apparently looking into the possibility of appealing last night’s controversial call. Witherspoon fell to 23-1(15).