Interview by Peter Mark Heintzelman, Photo by Peter Mark Heintzelman- Charlie Howe(17-4-2, 9 KO’s) comes from a family of boxers: His father a coach, two brothers who boxed, one against Larry Holmes. With ten more years of boxing experience than Duddy, Howe is counting upon his legacy and veteran status to overcome Boston’s favorite Irishman on Saturday night at The Castle, in Boston, Massachusetts. “I thrive on pressure!.”
The likeable Howe, of Grelton, Ohio, took time out, with his corner men present, to share his thoughts on Saturday night’s fight with John Duddy.

EastSideBoxing: Welcome to Boston, Charles, for your first fight in the Northeast, how are you feeling in preparation for your bout with John Duddy?
Howe: I feel great. My main concern right now, is hopping on those scales so I can eat! But, other than that, I feel good.
EastSideBoxing: You are four years older than your opponent, and have been fighting for ten years longer than Duddy in the professional ranks. What edge does that experience give you coming into the ring on Saturday night?
Howe: I feel so much calmer coming into a fight compared with what I did ten years ago. When I was younger, all I thought of was the knock out, and going out and going to war right away, but in doing so, I found that I created wars for myself, and now I’m a smarter fighter, and I still like to pop, but it’s so much easier now as you get older.
EastSideBoxing: Charlie, what got you into boxing to begin with?
Howe: I grew up in boxing. My brother fought Larry Holmes. My other brother was a boxer and he called out a lot of big names. My dad has been a coach, they always said, I was born in the gym, and that’s about the truth!
EastSideBoxing: Where have you been sparring, and with whom, in preparation for this fight?
Howe: I run a used car sales business, and we have a gym right there, and I have a number of guys who come in from other towns to spar with me.
EastSideBoxing: Have you been watching any tapes of Duddy’s fights, and what do you expect he will bring into the ring on Saturday night as a game strategy?
Howe: Number one, I’m not a firm believer in watching tapes. I have seen Duddy fight. But fighters change styles and fight differently from their last fights. Everybody else in my camp watches tapes on Duddy. John is extremely strong. Busy, busy, busy. He’s really a tough dude, I mean he’s the real deal. I love watching Duddy fight. Fellow. He’s a good fellow. Boxing needs more people like him.
EastSideBoxing: How would you describe your fight style, that of a boxer or a puncher, and what can the fans in Boston expect to see from you on Saturday night?
Howe: I’m a little bit of both, a boxer and a puncher. You gotta do what you have to, to win. If I have to go to war with John, I will, if he wants to box, I’ll box, so we’ll just have to see what he comes in with.
EastSideBoxing: Is it at all intimidating coming into Irish Boston to fight their adopted Irish John Duddy, and do you feel any pressure to win by KO in order to chalk up a “W” in your column?
Howe: No on the pressure, I sort of thrive on the pressure, I like coming into someone else’s home town to fight. Decisions are decisions, I fight in Ohio, I got a draw once, and I know I won the fight, but its just the way it is in boxing.
EastSideBoxing: Charles, who will be working your corner on Saturday night?
Howe: Chick Piercefield, Jamie Howe, and Mike LuQuatro.
EastSideBoxing: What is your prediction as to the outcome of the fight?
Howe: Its going to be a war. Its going to be a tough, tough fight. You know, I don’t know how the fights going to turn out, but the fans are going to see a great fight!
EastSideBoxing: Anything else, Charles, you want to say to your fans at
Howe: Watch the fight, and enjoy it!
The fights are on this Saturday Night, June 28th, at The Castle at Park Plaza, located at 64 Arlington Street, Boston, MA, 02116. Tickets, priced $50 general admission, $75 and $100, may still be available by going on line at, and any remaining tickets will be sold at the door. Doors open at 6:30 PM/ET, first bell rings at 7:30