Ricky Hatton Still Hoping For A Return Fight With Floyd Mayweather Junior

by James Slater – Ambition, and plenty of it, still burns inside Ricky Hatton. Currently in preparations for his November 22nd clash with Paulie Malignaggi, “The Hitman” has been working with the father of the only man to beat him, in Floyd Mayweather Senior. Wanting to learn new things and further develop his game this late in his career, Hatton also thinks by having “Money” Mayweather’s father training him it just might inspire Floyd Junior to come out of his retirement and fight him for a second time..

Talking to The Sun newspaper recently, Hatton spoke about his ultimate “fairytale.”

“I’ve spoken to my trainer [Mayweather Senior] about his son,” Ricky said. “I was absolutely gutted when Floyd Junior hung up his gloves after fighting me and the fairytale would be to get him to come out of retirement again. It could very easily happen. He has come back before and doesn’t make any secret of the fact he is motivated by money. The right offer might do it.”

It seems clear that Floyd Mayweather Junior, the only man to knock him out him as a pro, is never too far from “The Hitman’s” mind. The fact that he recently hired Mayweather’s father as assistant trainer was seen as a strange move by some, but Ricky says he’s fine with working with Floyd Senior.

“I suppose it would seem a little strange having his father in my corner [for a potential rematch with Mayweather Junior] but when I asked him about his relationship, he just said that they hadn’t spoken for three years,” Hatton said. “He felt his son had forgotten about the people who helped him to the top. I feel I can beat him and that’s why I want a return.”

It’s a long shot, at least in many peoples’ minds, but who knows, maybe “Money” will come back to pick up what he would no doubt see as – no disrespect to Hatton intended – a fairly easy pay day. But even before Hatton can even think about a rematch with Mayweather Junior he has to make sure he gets past “The Magic Man” in November first. Regarding that fight, so as to add even more incentive to emerge the victor, Ricky has reportedly asked rock star Noel Gallagher, of Oasis fame, to carry one of his belts into the ring for him as he makes his ring walk in Las Vegas.

Hatton and Gallagher are good friends, and apparently the hugely successful singer/song writer has agreed “in principal.” All of Manchester will be hoping Hatton can rock and roll as good as Gallagher’s band can come November 22nd!