By Eugene Carnachan at ringside – Fight night. Mystery Creek, Hamilton, Waikato New Zealand. What an event!!! Packed to the rafters! This fight has divided a Nation re who is going to win!!! Every one has on opinion!! Great feel…the excitement is not almost palpable…it is palpable! Run a brick through it! All the ingredients are in the pot! Two fighters in magnificent nick! Two fighters who want to win!!!
Tua enters the ring looking buffed. Coming in off the back of a Song sung in both English and Samoan. David Tua is proudly Samoan! His entourage are flying a Samoan flag..
I’ll write it again! The excitement is palpable! If you look hard enough you can actually see it!
Duco the promoters have exceeded all expectation! What an event!
Cameron enters the ring to a hip hop tune that morphs into the Kenny Rogers song The Gambler.
Cameron to is in outstanding condition. He looks pensive.
The stare-down is intense from both fighters!
Round 1
Tua coming forward looking relaxed. Cameron jabbing well! ‘
Cameron fighting well from a distance. Cameron looks quick!
Catches Cameron with a strong left hook.
Stuns Cameron with a right hand.
Cameron’s eye is welting!
Tua catches Cameron with a left hook. Drops him with a barrage!
Cameron gets counted.
He’s up but dusty!
Tua leaps on him! Big barrage!
Cameron goes down again!
Cameron is dusty!
Ref must be thinking about stopping it!
Round ends in confusion re the time! Appears the ref didn’t hear the bell…or can’t hear it for the noise
Tua simply appears to powerful!
Round 2
Cameron still dusty!
Tua comes out charging!
Assaulting him with every punch in the book!
Slaying Cameron! Knocks him down!
It’s over!
Tua simply to powerful!
This was plain and simply an assault!
Cameron is in real bad shape!
Ref could count to 50!
A mismatch!!!
Wait! Wait! Tua has being embraced in big, big hug…by his mum! Big man melts in his mums arms! Nice moment!
Tua talks!
Tua begins his speech in Maori language then into English.
Tua talks about critics question his losing of so much weight…talks about his career as this being a “continuation”. Then turns to the tragic Tsunami is Samoa and the loss of his aunty.
When asked what’s next he replies with “going to Burger King…and then to sleep…”
Very humble speech!
Cameron exits without speaking.
His manager Kenny Reinsfield is speaking.
Shane is “hurt…it’s the fight game…our concern is Shane”