Will The Manny Pacquiao-Floyd Mayweather Super-Fight Happen? Bob Arum And Freddie Roach Have Doubts

by James Slater – Simply put, it’s the fight everyone interested in the sport of boxing wants to see; Manny Pacquiao Vs. Floyd Mayweather Junior – the battle for pound-for-pound supremacy. Since even before “Money’s” short-lived retirement, the fans have been asking what would happen if the man who took his spot at the very top of the sport were to face him in the ring.

As natural a fight as the great ones that defined previous eras when it comes to the lower weight classes, Pacquiao-Mayweather could be as big, and as great, as Ray Leonard-Tommy Hearns, Julio Cesar Chavez-Meldrick Taylor and many other classics you could mention.. But – and it’s a question that is a tough one to ask – will this particular mega-fight actually take place?

Depressingly, two men who know more than most with regards to this question – in “Pac-Man’s” promoter Bob Arum and his trainer Freddie Roach – seem to think the fight is a long shot to go ahead.

In a recent interview with The Ring, Arum said the following:

“I don’t think [Pacquiao-Mayweather] will happen within the next year because of all of Mayweather’s posturing, the trash talk. That impedes any realistic negotiations. It would just be too difficult.”

Arum has also gone on record as saying the demands Mayweather seems unwilling, maybe incapable, of backing down from will also make the fight a no go. “Money” wants a 60-40 split in his favour, as does “Pac-Man.” Arum says no way will Floyd get the lion’s share of the purse, as he is not the draw; Manny is. Of course, we can cross our fingers and hope the two fighters agree to take an even 50-50 split, but it doesn’t look likely.

Pacquiao’s trainer, Freddie Roach, joins Arum in doubting whether the must-see fight will actually get to be seen.

“It seems like there’s a lot of things working against this fight ever happening,” Roach told The L.A Times recently. “It makes sense. It would be a great fight, but it seems there’s a lot of distractions around it. I don’t think it’s going to happen.”

As maddening as the thought of never getting to see this potentially unforgettable fight is, we must try and stay at least a little optimistic. Remember, there was once talk that the much sought after Pacquiao-Ricky Hatton fight would not go ahead due to arguments over the purse split. In the end, sanity prevailed and both sides realised how important the fight was and came to an agreement. As financially huge as Pacquiao-Mayweather would be, surely egos can be put aside, at least for a time?

One thing that must be said, however, is that Miguel Cotto, as great as HE is, is being done a disservice by all the talk of whether or not a Pacquiao-Mayweather fight will happen due to the money issue. It could well be that the 2010 mega-fight doesn’t happen, but due to an entirely different reason: Cotto defeats Pacquiao on November 14th!

If that did happen (and a number of good judges feel it might) all this talk about Pacquiao-Mayweather would probably become irrelevant. All talk then would shift towards Cotto Vs. Mayweather. Would that be a super-fight that could be made?