Exclusive Interview With Brian Minto – “I’m Planning On Bringing The Cruiserweight Division A New Superstar”

arreola vs mintoby James Slater – Brian “The Beast” Minto, who has for years has battled men much greater in size than he is, has now dropped down to cruiserweight, and will challenge WBO 200-pound ruler Marco Huck in Germany on May 1st.

35-year-old Minto, 34-3(21) said after his recent stoppage loss to the much bigger Chris Arreola that he would look to fight guys his own size in the future; and now, in dropping down from approx 218-pounds, Minto will clash with the once-beaten “Kapn’ Huck.”

Very kindly giving me the following interview in which he spoke about the upcoming title fight, Minto had the following answers to my questions:

James Slater: First of all, Brian, how has training camp been going for the Huck fight, so far?

Brian Minto: Training has been going good, I’m getting in top condition with Alex Ariza, and Freddie’s [Roach] been working me daily as well. The sparring is always world class here at The Wildcard Gym..

J.S: Who have you been sparring with at Wildcard?

B.M: I’ve been working with Ola Afolabi, who fought Huck of course.

J.S: Do you see any potential problems in getting down to 200-pounds for this fight?

B.M: No, it’s not been a problem at all. I’m already on weight. I began working to get the weight off after the [Chris] Arreola fight (in December). I just cannot afford to give up 45-pounds [to an opponent] any more.

J.S: Do you feel you will be the stronger, more powerful man in this fight – after having been used to giving away so much weight in many of your others fights?

B.M: Well, my power hasn’t changed a bit but I’m a lot quicker at this weight. I was ready to drop down after the Arreola fight, but if the opportunity did come at heavyweight, and if the money was right, I would have taken that opportunity. But now I am ready for this once in a lifetime shot, and I’m ready. That’s why I didn’t need a tune-up for this fight.

J.S: Do you feel Huck is the best of the current champions at 200-pounds?

B.M: Steve Cunningham beat him, so no, you can’t say that he is the best out there; especially as he never fights outside of Germany. I’ve watched quite a bit of Huck – I’ve seen his fights with guys like [Jean Marc] Monrose and Ola Afolabi of course. I’d say Huck is a basic European, disciplined fighter, who is physically strong. I’d compare him to Luan Krasniqi, who I fought (and lost a close decision to up at heavyweight), but not quite as strong.

J.S: How do you see the fight going, will you look to brawl, and will he do the same – or will he try to outbox you do you think?

B.M: I’m not sure! I know I’m not gonna change my style. You’ll find out [how the fight unfolds] when the bell rings! I respect any man who is a champion, but by no means I am in any way scared of Huck (laughs).

J.S: You’ve fought in Germany before, of course – against Axel Schulz (a stoppage win) and Krasniqi. Are you looking forward to going back?

B.M: Yes, I like fighting in Germany. They always give you a warm welcome over there; I have a lot of fans there. Let’s just hope the judges and the referee is fair.

J.S: Thanks so much for your time, Brian. With your exciting style, do you feel a win will make you a new star of the cruiserweight division?

B.M: I am planning on bringing the weight class a new superstar! Who the fans will ALWAYS want to come and see fight.