By Paul Strauss – About the only thing interesting to note during the first installment of the Mayweather vs Mosley 24/7 was Mayweather’s failure to provide a urine sample in a timely fashion. Probably just urinal anxiety? Unfortunately for the USADA testing officials, as a result of his failure, they then had to hang around little mister low on pee for what must have seemed like an eternity. On the other hand, there was no problem and no delay with Shane Mosley, and the officials seemed grateful for the cooperation and the no problem type of behavior..
It’s revealing about Mayweather in that he thinks his ability to trash talk is some kind of talent or virtue to be admired? He is proud of the fact that both his parents talk trash, but quickly points out that he is the best at it of anyone around. How nice! “Of those who say nothing, few are silent” (Thomas Neiel)
There is an old saying advising that a person should never get into an argument with a fool, because you can;t win. That fact seems to be proven over and over again with the Mayweathers (exception – Jeff). They should continually be advised to not speak unless they can improve on silence! (Old Spanish Proverb)
If you’re interested, check out an article written by Patrick C. English, for SecondsOut.Com. The article is titled: Drug Testing For HGH: Scientlifically Valid or Just Politically Correct? In the artilce, English interviews Dr. Don H. Caitlin, head of the UCLA Olympic Analytical Lab. English describes the doctor as one of the most knowledgeable, if not the most knowledgeable experts in the field. The article touches on whether all of the hoopla over blood testing is just posturing, or whether it is an authentic effort to help clean up any possible abuse in boxing concerning performance enhancing drugs such as HGH.
The article speaks for itself, so I won’t attempt to postulate. Check it out.