‘Call Em Out Fridays’: Antonio Margarito – A Matter of Integrity, Introspection, and Misguided Direction

boxingBy Vivek Wallace: The story of Antonio Margarito summons that raw level of emotions which tread the choppy waters of no-love-lost, clear over to the land of much-hate-gained, in the sense that few truly find the kindness in their heart to offer an ounce of sympathy for a man who has watched his best chance at success in life slip away as a result of ignorance and poor judgment. I can remember following Antonio Margarito closely as he began to rise in the sport. What stuck with me most was the stories of his childhood, chronicling the rough road he encountered growing up en route to his eventual pro debut at the tender age of 15. Each of the accounts spoken seemed to serve as a rather natural alibi for the hard work and what appeared to be dedication to his craft. At the time, it was easy to give blind support and champion his cause; but as the old adage goes, “if I only knew then what I know now”!

On the evening of January 24th, 2009, the world learned that there was something about this once self-proclaimed “baddest man on the planet” that none of us knew. We knew he had a chin of granite…..we knew he had a stupendous workrate that allowed him to throw 100 punches per round at will…..and we knew no matter who stood across from him, he would come to fight.. These three traits make any man in the ring practically invincible, yet it was another element that he would ultimately attempt to use to cement his legacy, (no pun intended), and the only question one can pose is why?

With the eyes of the sport focused keenly on him, the major focal point is his integrity, his level of introspection, and what appears to be an apparent case of misguided direction. In his recently failed bid to regain his license in the state of California, the common thread amongst the 5 members of the panel who outright declined his request could be found in what appears to be his rather non-remorseful approach. The sentiment echoed throughout the chamber last Wednesday afternoon was that there was simply no answer for the present, and no regrets for the past. An unequivocal attempt to bypass a scenario that’s virtually impossible to ever truly get beyond. This lack of integrity helped enact the suspension handed down back in 2009, and after taking more than a year to introspectively assess this matter in his mind, it appears he still has yet to move beyond this great challenge.

Some look at the 2002 Nevada suspension of Mike Tyson, and the fact that he was able to land a license in a smaller state (Tennessee) that needed such a stimulus to the local economy. Those same people look at the political muscle that Jerry Jones, and Pacquiao supporter George W. Bush bring to the table, and immediately believe this recent license denial will be little more than a bump in the road. Apparently, what those people who feel this way don’t seem to understand is that the same two men supported the effort to have Margarito fight in Texas back in March, yet quickly learned to move on upon the realization that the true draw (Pacquiao) was a lock, with or without Margarito’s presence.

Tyson was able to land a license in Memphis, Tennessee, despite Nevada’s denial; but Margarito’s abysmal 12,000PPV buys in his last fight reminds us that he has no where near the drawing power of Tyson, so such a possibility would probably never be fulfilled. In the end analysis, there are several plots and subplots to pull from under this topic, but the most important element is that the integrity of the sport we love be both restored and maintained. Only God knows whether or not Margarito willfully let Capetillo load his gloves that night, but what leads to more questions is the fact that not only did Margarito initially defend Capetillo, but he also refused to pursue any legal actions against a man who is solely responsible for great defamation of his character, as well as his inability to provide for his family.

This reality is further proof that few things add up when you multiply problems by subtracting from your hard earned efforts, and subsequently dividing a sport. It didn’t help that Margarito broke another cardinal rule by sparring (training) in the state of California with his new trainer (Robert Garcia) while not being licensed. This perceived, (or maybe even blatant) disrespect of the rules leave many no option but to narrow things down to three core issues. A lack of integrity, a shallow level of introspection, and an apparent case of misguided direction. Put them all together and there’s no question why this one pair of gloves will be resting!


(Vivek Wallace can be reached at vivexemail@yahoo.com, 954-292-7346, Youtube (VIVEK1251), Twitter (VIVEK747), Facebook, and Myspace).