The Silent Assassin speaks: Exclusive interview with Savannah Marshall!

boxingBy Ezio Prapotnich: If you are a UK boxing fan, you probably heard the name before and you will hear it more and more often the closer we get to the 2012 London Olympics. For those who don’t know her, Savannah Marshall is one of the best female amateur boxers in Britain. She is 19 years old, lives in Hartlepool, won all her 10 junior fights, became European Middleweight champion only in her 5th fight as a senior, won a world silver medal, and is one of the hottest prospects for the next Olympic Games. They call her the Silent Assassin for her reluctance to give interviews. We had the privilege to get a chance to get to know more about her and share it with our readers.

EASTSIDEBOXING: The obvious question: how did you get into boxing?

SAVANNAH MARSHALL: One of my friends used to box. Whenever she won a fight, she would come around my place with the trophy. I guess I got a bit jealous and started boxing myself.

ESB: How do your parents feel about it?

SM: They love it. My dad came EVERYWHERE to support me.

ESB: Does the training interfere with your social life? Do you feel alienated from other teenagers?

SM: Not really. My social life revolves pretty much around what I do.

ESB: Do you have other interests and hobbies besides boxing?

SM: I go to the cinema quite a lot.

ESB: How do you spend your time when you don’t train?

SM: Chilling out with my friends and family, or eating out.

ESB: Tell us, in order, who is your favourite actor/actress, movie, and singer or band.

SM: Michelle Rodriguez, City of God, Trey Songz.

ESB: Do guys feel intimidated from your fighting skills?

SM: I guess some men probably are, but so far I never had problems dating.

ESB: You already expressed an interest in participating not only in 2012 Olympics but 2016 as well. Are you planning to go pro eventually?

SM: I enjoy what I am doing but at the moment I am not planning to go pro. But, who knows in the future?

ESB: Among the Olympians that turned pro after Beijing, who do you rate more and why?

SM: I don’t really watch the pros, but, if I had to pick, I would say Frankie Gavin because of his speed.

ESB: Do you see yourself involved in boxing for the rest of your life, as a trainer or conditioner perhaps? If not, what do see yourself doing 10 years from now?

SM: I would like to box until I am 30, may be 35. But, I also want to get married and have a family. To be honest, I can’t think that far yet.

We thank Savannah for her time and remind anyone who is interested that she will appear next in her home town at Hartlepool Borough Hall on Wednesday the 27th of October, 7 p.m. onwards. Tickets are £12. For info, contact Terry Wood at 07879779117