GREEN V FLORES ROUND BY ROUND by Eugene Carnachan – In the pre-fight weigh up both fighters weigh in at 194 pounds. At fight time Flores, by his own admission, will weigh 94 kilos – 207 pounds. Green will remain the same- 88 kilos. Flores will be some thirteen pounds (13 lb) heavier. BJ Flores 24 (KO 15) + lost 0 (KO 0) + drawn 1. Danny Green 30 (KO 27) + lost 3 (KO 0).
Flores enters the ring his usual animated self. Bouncing around like an over inflated basketball Flores is up for this fight. He’s looks as fit as Kangaroo! A bit of the Australian vernacular for you folks. Flores name is emblazoned across his Everlast boxing shorts. A rather busty lass is flying the American flag in accompaniment with Flores entourage. Flores gets into the ring to a few boos from some patriotic fans..
Green look stoic.
The obligatory “Man from Down Under” song accompanies his ring walk.
The singing of the American National anthem is announced and some of the crowd boo! God there are some morons out there! American National Anthem is finished and more morons boo! For goodness sakes it a moronathon!
The Australian National anthem gets a rousing reception. Good to see the Americans in attendance have caught a terminal case of moronathon!!!
Green takes his robe off and is packing more muscle then we are used to seeing him carry. Danny Green looks really healthy, strong and good to go! In outstanding physical condition but it’s obvious he’s the smaller man.
Flores takes his t-shirt off an is in outstanding physical condition himself.
At stake is Greens IBO Cruiserweight belt.
Flores girlfriends is medication for sore eyes! A real looker! Replete in evening wear she looks stunning!
Earlier in the night New Zealand born cruiserweight Shane Cameron beat Australia’s Anthony McCracken via a unanimous point’s decision. Cameron is campaigning for a shot at the winner of the Flores V Green fight.
Challenge Stadium, Mt Claremont, Western Australia is packed to the gunnels! They want to see their blued eyed Danny Green in action!
The stare down is a good one. Green in black and Green shorts. Flores in white.
Green jabs. Flores posturing.
Seven inch reach advantage to Flores.
Flores grabs. Don’t think he wants to fight on the inside. That’s definitely Greens house and he shouldn’t.
Flores jabbing from the outside.
Green jabs his way in and holds.
Flores with a very nice one two that connects.
Flores looks quick. Very quick.
A chess match. Flores tries a one two and Green catches him with a cracking right hand.
Green coming forward.
Now Flores coming forward.
Green sitting on the ropes. Trying to set Flores up for the counter.
Great one two combo from Flores.
Flores is bouncing like a contestant in Dancing with the Stars!
Chopping right hand from Flores.
Flores using the ring well.
Green gets warned for raising the elbow.
Flores jabbing well. Very quick handed.
Great exchange. Both men trading late in the round.
Flores lands a great right hand shot.
Green laying against the ropes. Looking to counter.
Is Green trying to rope a dope Flores?
Where is the bee swarm style that’s usually a customary part of a Green fight.
Green with a great right hand counter.
Flores looking very composed. Like he belongs at this level.
The plan seem to be the right hand counter from Green.
Another great one two from Flores.
Flores stands bolt upright.
Flores on his toes.
Green scores with a very strong jab. Takes a right hand.
Flores looking composed…confident.
Flores looks to be looking to set up Green for the one two combo. Green is wily!
Green appears to be the stronger puncher.
Flores flicking his jab out like a lizard trying to catch a fly. He needs to plant his feet and send it down with conviction.
Great one two body shot from Flores. Flores confidence is on the up.
Flores coming forward.
Green warned for holding and hitting.
Flores flicking as opposed to sitting on his jab.
Flores is still composed but not doing enough.
Two great jabs from Green.
Green laying on the ropes trying to set the counter mouse trap.
Big air shot from Flores. That one missed both the hoop and the back board.
Flores sneaks a right hand through. Nothing but jaw on that shot.
Anyone’s round to this point.
Flores on his toes. He’s plenty fit but simply not throwing enough pig skin.
Flores coming forward.
Flores lands a strong right hand but needs to marry them up with more.
Green opens the round with a couple of bombs.
Flores gets warned for pushing.
Green looking to fight off the front foot. Green coming forward…now on the back foot.
Great left hook from Green.
Not used to seeing Green fighting of the back foot. Kind of like watching your favourite Hip Hop musician singing country. Just doesn’t fit and not what your used to seeing from an aggressive fighter like Green. Smart boxing though! And that’s what counts!
On the sheer weight of whose coming forward Flores is definitely looking to fight off the front foot…but simply isn’t throwing enough.
Flores counters Green coming forward with a nice left.
Green throws a couple of air shots.
Green lands big. Flores walks through it and back on the front foot.
Flores flicking his jab. When he sits on it it’s a great jab. Ineffective when he’s flicking it.
Green trying to bring Flores onto his punches with counters off the ropes.
Just not used to seeing Green fight off the back foot. That said you can’t begrudge an old dog that’s learned a new trick.
Flores looking like he’s still full of beans but not throwing enough punches. He has to get active if he’s to take the silverware home.
Green lands a countering left. Then backs up.
Just showed a shot of BJ Flores mother. She looks younger then her son! Oh the wonders of botox and plastic surgery!
Flores flicking his jab.
Amazing to think Green has fought at 76 kilos given he looks so healthy and strong at 88 kilos.
Flores needs to start throwing. He’s simply not doing enough. Is he big punch wary!? If so he better see a psychologist between rounds and get in the mix! Fighting from the outside like he is simply isn’t doing it for him!
Great right hand from Flores. Cracked Green on the left ear. Green doubles up with the left hook. Great shots!
Flores wears a right hand and wears it well. He can take a shot can Flores…but doesn’t seem willing enough to take a few to land a few.
Flores chargers in and clinches then starts throwing slapping rabbit shots in the clinch.
Flores needs to get proactive. Fight is slipping away…like an avalanche!
Flores flicking his jab.
Green lands a great left.
Flores looking for an opening but it’s not coming. He should try to punch an opening open because the window of opportunity in this fight is fast closing.
Great one two from Flores.
Flores is looking fresh but not doing enough with his freshness and fitness.
Green lands to the body. Flores a hook.
Both men looking to exchange.
These rounds are close and if Flores wants the title he has to win rounds definitively. He isn’t.
ROUND 10 –
Nice left hand from Green.
Flores needs to try and hurt Green. Statement of the obvious I know but he needs to make something happen.
Flores jabbing well but it’s not enough unless he can marry it up with some right hands. To the contrary he appears to have divorced himself from landing and big shots!
Simply to inactive.
ROUND 11 –
Flores needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat…and quick. A rabbit that has a spare sledge hammer to crack Green on the skull with! Fight is basically gone for Flores unless he can land an hellacious shot!! Or twenty!
Flores coming forward. Green backing up.
Flores is acting more like the complicit dance partner. Simply not doing enough.
Nice driving left hand by Green.
Green when he drives his jab out of the blocks does it really well.
A big right hand by Flores. Green wears it like a nice fitting glove.
ROUND 12 –
Green still looks strong.
Flores waiting on the outside. What’s he waiting for? A bus to run Green over with?
Flores can’t think he’s ahead. Would appear the way he’s fighting he thinks he does!
He’s fighting like he’s protecting a winning lead. Problem is, is he’s losing.
Green retreating back onto the ropes trying to reset his trap.
Flores now trying to land a big shot.
To little to late.
Fights over.
Green easy! Flores is celebrating like he’s won. He can’t be serious. Simply didn’t do enough.
Green is announced as winner. Flores looks incredulous that he didn’t get the win. He should because he didn’t win. That simple. To much posturing on the outside.
Everyone knows that if you fight in the champion’s home town you have to win and win decisively.
Flores talks “Green fought a great fight…thought it was a close fight…thinks he proved a point…but not the point he wanted…thinks he imposed his will”. Brave talk for a guy that simply didn’t do enough in the prior thirty six minutes.
Green talks “thank you to the crown…hard night…BJ was big and strong…very happy to outbox a boxer…he’s a top ten ranked boxer…thank you to the IBO…give him a hand guys (Flores)…thanks to Angelo Hyder….I’m very happy…got bigger things to come…my brother…love you…we are like to peas in a pod…thanks to Ria who supported me”.
Danny Green ever the nice guy goes on to thank every one in Australia…individually!