Isn’t it time for Kirkland and Wolf to reunite?

By Robert Jackson: Nobody knows James Kirkland like Ann Wolfe (and Pops Billingsley) that became crystal clear Saturday Nite! Under Wolfe, Kirkland had ‘edge’ when he came into the ring reminiscent of a young Tyson. Kirkland was like the cat stalking his prey. Kirkland looked confused and out of his element Saturday night unable to decipher the length and style of his Japanese opponent. The experiment is over!

Under Wolfe James wouldn’t have needed to decipher or interpret anything, search and destroy was Wolfe’s mantra as a trainer as much as it was her own personal mission as a fighter. As a fighter Wolfe’s toughness and tenaciousness forced even the BEST to pass on fighting her. As a trainer and mentor for Kirkland, Wolfe molded Kirkland into a terminator, and if not for a year stay in a penal institution, Kirkland might now be the 154lb champion or even 160lb champ.

The brutal almost sadistic training methods that Wolfe administers to her fighters has put them at the top of most of the amateur contests in Texas and served Kirkland well into 25 pro bouts. The cutie moves and such that his new trainers are teaching Kirkland were supposed to fill in the holes in his game, while also moving him to Las Vegas to avoid any hometown temptations to get in trouble in Austin, Texas.

Coach Adams has fine credentials as both an Olympic boxing coach and a Pro Coach, but what James Kirkland really needs can only be found in Austin, Texas. I originally thought that James training with Adams WOULD sure up his game but reviewing the past fights he’s had with Wolfe in his corner I see an amazing synchronicity between the 2, that I’m not sure will ever happen with coach Adams. Kirkland’s toughness has also suffered it’s not what it was. After what Kirkland has been through a loss at this point in his career to an unknown fighter was not what he needed, a KO at that.

Golden Boy who is overseeing Kirkland’s life like a surrogate parent needs to know that Wolfe is important to Kirkland’s life and success and should reach out to her and bring her back into the fold. Ms. Wolfe if you’re reading this give James a call he needs you and that tough love that give.

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