by Geoffrey Ciani (Exclusive Interview by Jenna J & Geoffrey Ciani) – This week’s 146th edition of On the Ropes Boxing Radio (brought to you by CWH Promotions) featured exclusive interviews with former IBF female bantamweight champion Susie Ramadan (21-0, 8 KOs) and her trainer, former IBF super featherweight champion Robbie Peden (25-4, 14 KOs). Susie is looking to regain the vacant title she lost outside the ring when she squares off against Yazmin Rivas (22-7, 9 KOs) this Saturday night. In addition to sharing their views on the upcoming fight and Susie’s career, the Robbie and Susie also touched on a few other topics, including the upcoming third fight between Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez, and a possible comeback fight for Peden who is eyeing a third fight with Nate Campbell sometime in 2012. Here is a complete transcript from that interview:
JENNA J: Let’s move things along to our second and third guests of this week’s show. We are joined by a trainer and fighter team. We’re joined by Susie Ramadan and former champion Robbie Peden. Susie, how are you doing today?
SUSIE RAMADAN: Oh yeah, everything’s going great. Thanks a lot. I just finished up training in LA this morning, so I’m looking forward to going to Mexico now.
JENNA: Awesome! We’re also joined by her former world champion trainer, Robbie Peden. How’s everything going today, Robbie?
ROBBIE PEDEN: Everything is well. Thanks.
JENNA: Okay. Alright now Susie, you’re going for the vacant IBF female bantamweight title. Can you tell us a little bit about this fight you have coming up?
SUSIE: Well I’m fighting Yazmin Rivas from Mexico, so it’s going to be a tough fight. I’m fighting in her hometown. Mexicans are born to fight and she’s got a lot of experience and I’m ready. I’ve been training very well. I’ve come to LA and had some great training here at Fortune Gym and I’m looking forward to getting the belt.
JENNA: Alright, well you’re 21-0. For fans that are not familiar with you, can you tell them a little bit about how you got in the sport of boxing?
SUSIE: I got into boxing initially, you know I used to play soccer and I used to dance a lot, but initially I started boxing for fitness and to have something to discipline me. It was something that I found mentally challenging, and I got in there and started training, and just loved the sport. I wanted to have a go at it and I wanted to have a fight, and I just got addicted to it. I just love it now! I’ve been boxing for four years now and I’ve been doing really well. So hopefully I continue to keep stepping up and get into some bigger and better things out there.
JENNA: Okay well let’s turn things to your trainer, Robbie Peden. Robbie, working with Susie, what things did you see in her as a fighter that made you want to train her?
PEDEN: Well she’s a very good athlete. She came in about three months or four months ago, and she actually had one of the best manager and promotional teams. That’s a pretty good combination and she’s learning very well. I feel pretty big expectations for her next year.
JENNA: Alright Robbie, as a former world champion fighter, what’s it like for you to be in the position of training a fighter to fight for a world championship?
PEDEN: Well it’s actually an honor. It’s really good that I’ve got a great athlete and she’s willing to learn. So I’ve got a fair deal of knowledge being I’ve been in the ring over ten years, so I’m going to try to share the knowledge and educate her and try and help her own place. So it’s exciting times!
JENNA: Okay now this goes over to Susie. Susie, female boxing doesn’t get that much mainstream attention. What do you think it’s going to take for you to get out to the mainstream audience?
SUSIE: I think we just get out there and shake it down a little bit. You know I think there might have been some fighters out there that don’t look as good as some of us boxers who can really fight and really box. If we can get out there and get seen a little more I think it could expand it a little bit more. I mean the women have gotten into the Olympics now, so that should change things. We’re hoping it will, anyway. We’re not going to stop. We’re going to continue to push ourselves as much as we can and try and get as much recognition as we can.
GEOFFREY CIANI: Hello Robbie and Susie. It’s a pleasure to have you both on the show, and my first question here is going to be directed at Robbie. As a former fighter and a former world champion who’s had success in this sport, what in your view is the most important lesson that you’ve tried to teach Susie as your protégé?
PEDEN: I think just control. Control of the ring, control of the body, control of the people around you, and control over life. That’s the main thing.
CIANI: Now Susie, when you first started getting into boxing, who were some of the fighters that inspired you to take the direction you took in your life there?
SUSIE: I’ve always loved boxing and I love the sport. I’ve always watched boxing. I never thought that I would get in there and fight myself until these past few years, but I used to look up to Muhammad Ali, and Sugar Ray Leonard, and there are a lot of great fighters out there. You know, Robbie Peden. There are fighters out there now that can keep me going like Pacquiao and Mayweather. All of those fighters out there that really put so much time and effort in and really work hard and train so much, it just makes me want to do the same.
CIANI: Now Susie, which aspect of the fight game do you consider yourself to have the greatest mastery over?
SUSIE: I’m just too smart. I think I’m too smart. I’ve got great foot work, and now with Robbie Peden I’m learning a lot more. I’m improving every time, and he’s showing me some real smart tricks, and really working on my technique. I would say my greatest aspect would be that I’m just a really fast and smart boxer.
CIANI: Now Robbie said before that the greatest thing that him as a former fighter and a champion that he’s tried to relay to you was the idea of control. I’m wondering Susie how that lesson manifested into your fight game and your everyday life?
SUSIE: Well I’m like a sponge, so everything Peden says I suck it in! He’s always sort of focusing on the fact that it’s all a mental thing, so everything is in your head to control yourself mentally and physically and just look after yourself, and just control. There is always things in life, hurdles that get in the way, and you just have to take control and work your way over those hurdles.
JENNA: Alright well Susie the fighter that you’re facing, Yazmin Rivas, is the most experienced fighter you’ve been in the ring with. What do you think is going to be your biggest key to victory in the match?
SUSIE: This is exactly what you said. This is the first time I’ve actually came to what seemed like quite a long way away. But I’m ready for it. I’ve been training really hard. I’m not going to say what’s going to happen in the fight, but I’m prepared well and we’re going on a plan, and hopefully work on that plan on the night and win the title.
JENNA: Okay I’m going to go over to Robbie. Robbie, as a trainer there are certain things you don’t want to see from your fighter. What things if Susie were to do in the ring would drive you crazy?
PEDEN: Just losing control, and a lack of control and discipline. You have to make sure you do all the things right. The worst mistake you could make in boxing is to lay back when you believe you are winning. I think we just have to make sure that we’re doing everything correctly. It all comes back to me with what I’ve been teaching and educating and trying to teach a good training camp here, and make sure we’re going over all the points, and make sure we pay attention to detail and to make less mistakes.
JENNA: Alright well I want to turn things right from the fight this upcoming weekend to a big fight that’s coming up next month, and I want to get both your views on it and both your opinions. First I’m going to go to you Robbie. Juan Manuel Marquez is going up against Manny Pacquiao for a third time. You actually fought Marquez. Who are you picking in that match?
PEDEN: I’d like Marquez to win, but I don’t think he will. I think Manny is just coming into his own peak at the moment. I think he’s going to go in there and take care of business and I think Pacquiao is going to get the win.
JENNA: Okay, Susie who are you taking in that one?
SUSIE: Look, I think they’re both great fighters. They both got different styles and I love the way the both fight. But like Robbie said, Pacquiao is at his peak right now and I think he might be too quick for him, so I definitely think Pacquiao will win the fight.
JENNA: Alright well Susie, there have been some rumors going around about your trainer over at Facebook and I wanted to get your view on that. There are rumors that he might fight a third fight with Nate Campbell. Would you like to see your trainer step back in the ring as a fighter?
SUSIE: Yeah, I’d definitely like to see that! (laughs) We’re definitely waiting to see that. A lot of people in Australia are waiting to see that as well, so I’m definitely waiting to see that.
JENNA: Now Robbie, you have two victories over Nate Campbell. Would you like that third fight and do you think it will happen?
PEDEN: Of course! You’re the one that set this up. It’s all good. We know if he comes down it could happen. Nate and I have been talking to organize the finances, and when I get back from this trip, hopefully sometime next year or something we might be able to do it. It would be a good third fight.
JENNA: Alright! Well back to the fight this weekend. Susie, what is your official prediction? How do you see the fight playing out?
SUSIE: Oh, I’m going to win that title! Definitely, I’m not here for a holiday! I’ve come all the way and I want title back. Unfortunately I lost the title outside the ring rather than inside the ring. I didn’t defend it in time, but I want that title back and I’m going there to get my title back!
JENNA: Okay, and Robbie what do you expect from your fighter in this match this weekend?
PEDEN: I expect a smart fight. I expect for her to do everything that we’ve been doing in camp for about three months, about ten weeks. I think she will be victorious and I think she will look very good doing it. I think she’s improved a lot in the last three months, and I’m looking forward to a victory on October 15.
JENNA: Okay well guys, I wish you both the best of luck this upcoming weekend. I’m looking forward to the fight and best of luck to both of you in the future.
PEDEN: Thanks a lot.
CIANI: Thank you Robbie, thank you Susie. It was a pleasure to have you on the show and good luck.
PEDEN: Thanks. Thanks a lot.
For those interested in listening to the Susie Ramadan and Robbie Peden interview in its entirety, it begins approximately forty-three minutes into the program.
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