Malik Scott Interview

Exclusive interview by Charles White: Kindly taking time out of his busy training schedule, undefeated heavyweight Malik “King” Scott had the following answers to my questions. Don’t miss this fun and informative interview.

CW: Hey Malik, what’s up bro? How have you been?

MS: Charles what’s up bro, I’m good man just training religiously and staying motivated and focused.

CW: Rumor has it that you had a fight lined up with WBO Latino Champ Raphael Zumbano, but that fight is now off. What happened Malik?

MS: Yeah the fight was scheduled for December 31st on the Rico Ramos-Guillermo Rigondeaux undercard in Anaheim, CA but two weeks before the card was cancelled by Showtime network Zumbano pulled out of the fight and chose not to be the first statistic on my comeback list. But it is what it is. I’m fighting January 21st on the Paul Williams undercard so I’m looking forward to that and like always I’m definitely looking forward to staying undefeated, “Chuurrch.”

CW: So you are now fighting on the Paul Williams undercard. Do you have an opponent lined up yet?

MS; No opponent yet that I know of but it really doesn’t matter. I don’t discriminate with the ass whippings I give out, A.B.C.G.I (ANY BODY CAN GET IT).”Chuurrch.”

CW: What is the gameplan for this one Malik? Are you planning on putting on a boxing clinic, or will you be looking to win in more explosive style with a knockout in your comeback fight? Either way, I’m sure you will make a statement.

MS: My game plan is to make a statement like never before and to stay undefeated.

CW: Will your fight be one of the televised fights on the card? That would be some great exposure for your comeback..

MS: I’m not sure but it would be some great exposure for me to showcase my skills. But on tv or off tv, the result of a victory and outstanding performance will remain the same as far as I’m concerned.”Chuurrch.”

CW: Not to look past whomever your opponent will be, but assuming you win this bout, who else are you targeting right now?

MS: Well that’s a good assumption Charlie, and as far as who am I targeting, I have no picks, every heavyweight in the world is my opposition. I believe I’m the most skilled heavyweight in the world and come January 21st, all my naysayers are going to see a Malik Scott that they never seen before. “Chuurrch.”

CW: Last I heard, you were training the house down and had your weight down to an amazing 228 lbs. What is the cause of this awesome result? New training methods perhaps, or just good old fashioned hard work?

MS: What caused the awesome result is one thing and it’s called “SELF APPLIANCE.” I really have just been eat, sleep, and shitting boxing like never before and of course I had to change up my eating habits but I really applied myself and said fuck a strength/condition coach and all that other overrated shit that people feel they have to have to push themselves. I wanted to lean up and lose the weight so that’s what I did. Now I’m the fastest thing on two feet and it’s all because of my “SELF APPLIANCE.” “Chuurrch.”

CW: You are working with Jesse Reid for this fight correct? What kinds of things have you been working on?

MS: Yeah me and Jesse are working together now and between him and my manager Marcus Coates, they both are constantly pushing me to the edge and over and we make a great team. We work on a lot of punch output and bunch of other tactics. We have a great program going and we are all working very hard to shock the world.

CW: And have you been getting good sparring in lately?

MS: I have been getting great sparring. I have been going at it everyday with tough and rugged Lateef “Power” Kayode and another up and coming light heavyweight named Reece Bennett who gives me good solid work.

CW: How is the arm by the way? Good to go now?

MS: The bicep/arm is bionic and it’s behind good to go. “Chuurrch.”

CW: As you know, recently, a Philly legend passed away in Joe Frazier. Did you know Frazier at all, or ever meet him?

MS: Yeah I met Joe when I was 11 years old and I also visited his gym on a few occasions. Great man and great champion and he will be missed R.I.P. JOE FRAZIER.

CW: Being a Philly fighter yourself, which seems to be a small fraternity of fighters, what is it like to lose one of your own, especially one who has made such a profound impact on fighters around the world?

MS: Well my theory with death is simple; no matter where you at or where you from, we all live and we all die but while we are here, let’s move as honorable as possible and I believe Joe was an honorable man as well as a great fighter and his presence will be missed.

CW: Anything else you think the fans should know about what’s going down in your world Malik?

MS: The only thing the fans need to know about Malik “KING” Scott is that I’m training like a MUTHAFUCKER and can’t wait to get back in the ring.

CW: Thank you for your time Malik. Any final message to the readers?

MS: Anytime Charlie. And as far as the readers/bloggers, you guys really hurt my feelings when I did a recent article and I didn’t have any hate mail in return. Please don’t forget to shoot some of that hate naysayer love my way, I need and want it all baby. It makes me add another mile to my run, another round to my sparring, another rep to my set. Stay on y’all job because I’m constantly on mine. “CHUURRCH!”

For questions or comments, to schedule an interview, or to just chat about boxing, Charles White can be reached at or 360-333-5911.